Relocating an entire nation is a major exercise. How is this monumental
exercise going to happen?
- more than 10,000 people
are to be relocated
- new environments will need
to be adapted to
- new skills will need to
be learnt
- new systems of governance
will need to be implemented
- a new economic base will
be necessary
- existing social systems
may be questioned
- land will need to be acquired
- infrastructure will need
to built including: buildings, dams, water delivery / storage / treatment
systems, revegetation works, farmlands, roads / pathways
- tools and equipment will
need to be sourced
- new alliances will need
to be forged
The underlying premise of this implementation strategy is that the majority
of the work on the ground is to be done by the Tuvaluan people themselves.
Given that finance and resources are likely to be extremely limited, the
greatest asset that the Tuvalu people currently possess is a strong sense
of community.
Education: It is recommended that an
education and training programme be adopted by the Tuvaluan people prior
to relocation. This training should focus on both enhancing existing skills
and learning new ones. Practical skills will need to be learnt such as
growing foods appropriate to the new location, farming techniques, building
techniques and using certain tools.
Governance: There will need to be countless
decisions made as an entire community so a system of decision making should
also be developed and practised prior to relocation.
Timed strategy: It is envisaged that
a relocation is likely to be more successful if staged over a period of
time with the initial residents helping to establish infrastructure for
those that follow (see below).
How to
get there:
The 7C's group has been actively engaging with the local Tuvaluan community
in Brisbane to ascertain their view on the best way forward and how we
might make these ideas of relocation a reality. We see ourselves as a
bridge between the Tuvaluan community and rest of the world and seek to
find ways of facilitating both awareness and action around this issue.
We acknowledge that we don't have all the answers to the complex issue
involved and plan to further engage community leaders both in Tuvalu and
Australia in ethically principled strategic discussions, exploratory design
exercises and simulation games as a means of divining the way forward.